14 Small Tips For Better Sleep

No ONE thing is going to help you sleep better. Instead, a series of SMALL decisions you make throughout the day can DRAMATICALLY increase the quality of your sleep at night. You’d be surprised at how easy to implement some of these micro-habits are, and how profound of an effect they can have on your sleep. In this video, I’ll walk through 14 of these small steps you can implement right now that will surely help your sleep TONIGHT.

Before you make any investment in changes to your sleep, I always think it’s important to establish a baseline of your current sleep habits and sleep quality. You want to give yourself a benchmark to measure yourself against.

So head over to SleepDoctor.com to take my free Sleep Quiz. This is going to give you a personalized sleep score — and tailored sleep recommendations.

Then, as you implement some sleep-positive habits, you can retake the quiz in a few months and see where you’ve improved and what other changes you can make.

📕 If you’re ready to take actionable steps to get better sleep, Dr. Breus has developed a 28-day Sleep Wellness Program just for you. With on-demand video, daily emails, and a Sleep Wellness Guide, his program uses science-backed techniques to improve your sleep in as little as three minutes per day! Learn more here: https://shop.sleepdoctor.com/pages/28-day-video-library-lp
➡️ Enter code SleepDoctorYT for 20% off!

0:00 Small changes have a BIG impact
0:15 WHEN to wake up
0:55 The first thing to do in the morning
1:20 The first thing you should drink
2:30 What to eat for breakfast
3:00 When to stop drinking coffee
3:35 The WORST thing you can do in the afternoon
4:15 The BEST thing you can do in the afternoon
5:00 When you SHOULDN’T exercise
5:15 What to eat for dinner
5:45 The BEST thing you can do in the evening
6:25 How you SHOULD exercise at night
6:45 My ULTIMATE wind-down routine
7:30 The BEST thing to do right before bed
8:35 WHEN to go to sleep

😴 Michael Breus, Ph.D., is a double board-certified clinical psychologist and sleep expert. He’s been in practice since 1999 and helped thousands of patients improve their sleep. Dr. Breus has written five books on sleep and conducted over 1,000 interviews to the press and public.

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