Swifts and their Ecology
Swifts and their Ecology
Edward Mayer (Swift Conservation)
Biodiversity Towns, Villages and Neighbourhood webinar
16 Jan 2025
The Common Swift (Apus apus) is an impressive bird that migrates to and from Africa each year, can fly up to 69 miles per hour and does almost everything while flying – sleep, eat, bathe and mate. This presentation explores their biology, ecological role and behaviour. We’ll also delve into their spectacular migratory journey across vast distances and discuss their seasonal strategies, including migration and breeding, providing insight into how these unique birds interact with the temperate and tropical environments and contribute to the UK’s biodiverse ecosystem.
Check out the live Q&A and further info links for this talk here: https://biologicalrecording.co.uk/2025/01/16/swifts/
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