Ex-Oura Advisor: The company is artificially altering your Sleep Data

Dr. Cody dives deep into Oura published methods and analytics for sleep

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Muse S Sleep Validation Study: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/10123829
Oura Sleep Analytics Study: https://www.mdpi.com/1424-8220/21/13/4302

Episode Timestamp Notes:
The problem with a ring sensor: 0:00-2:30
Issues with Sleep Staging: 2:30-3:49
Oura Tweaking The Data: 3:49-5:52
Testing against brainwave EEG: 5:52-8:07
Concerns about physical readiness scores: 8:07-10:09

Edited with Gling AI: https://bit.ly/46bGeYv

Category: News
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