Better Sleep Month Part 4 – Rest, Reset, and Rejuvenate Your (Circadian) Rhythm– #595

Sleep—who’s getting some? Not all of you, it seems, since sleep is one of the most asked about topics. Quality and quantity matter, and you want real answers.

We’ve created a multimedia sleep series for you as part of Better Sleep Month. Each Tuesday in May, you’ll find compelling interviews from Bulletproof Radio, cool articles from our blog, and a batch of lively videos. we’re bringing you the best Bulletproof tips and tools we have, so you can start sleeping better. Listen, read or view—whatever helps you get your own piece of the night.

This is part 4 of a four-part Better Sleep Month series on Bulletproof Radio. On this reworked and combined episode, we’re featuring leading circadian rhythm researcher and sleep expert Dr. Satchin Panda.

In the past two decades, there have been three major discoveries about circadian rhythms that have transformed how we think about health. The first one: Every organ (in the body) has its own clock. The second one: Blue light is a strong agent in sunlight that resets our clock or having exposure to blue light at night can distract the clock. And the third one: How food timing affects our clock.

“This is the only field that’s actually studying “what is health?”, because all other fields of biomedical research study “what is disease?”, Dr. Panda says.

Enjoy the show! And if you missed any of our Better Sleep Month series episodes, head on over to Bulletproof Radio and check out Part 1 #589; Part 2 #591 and Part 3 #593.

On the Bulletproof Blog

Does Shining Blue Light on Skin Really Affect Sleep?

Melatonin for Sleep: Everything You Need to Know About the Snooze-Inducing Hormone

Let Teens Sleep in Already: How Early School Start Times Harm Their Brains

On Bulletproof YouTube

Bulletproof Behind The Scenes: Sleep Hacks and Rituals

How to Sleep Less and Have More Energy

Bulletproof Sleep Essentials

How to Sleep Better: Science-Backed Sleep Hacks to Wake Up Ready to Go

Losing Sleep Wrecks Your Gut. Here’s What You Can Do About It

Bulletproof Sleep Solutions

Bulletproof 30-Day Sleep Challenge (Here’s you’ll find the Bulletproof Sleep Roadmap, sleep log, and a printable sleep checklist.)

If you like this video, subscribe to Bulletproof on YouTube today, where you’ll find full-length episodes of Bulletproof Radio to watch and listen to, interviews with thought leaders in mindfulness, health, nutrition, science, and biohacking.

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