The 4 Pillars to Optimal Health (Sleep)

I have previously talked about there being 4 Pillars to Optimal Health and all of them needed to be strong to support the header.
Stress Reduction
All of these 4 are important, however 1 of them should actually be the base that the other 3 rest upon
Care to guess which one?
It’s optimizing your sleep
If you eat clean and workout like a beast but you don’t sleep well and recover, then you are not going to age well.
Prioritize your sleep
Track your sleep. Grade yourself daily 1-10 or A-F on how well you slept. Fancy trackers are not always required
Tonight we chatted about Sleep being the base
Over the next 3 Monday nights I will review the other 3 Pillars and provide my updates on how you how to optimize them from my unique preventive and biohacking perspective.

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