Theanine Health Benefits Beyond Mood, Sleep and Stress – Part 1

Theanine Health Benefits Beyond Mood, Sleep and Stress – Part 1 – presented by naturopath, nutritional therapist and functional medicine practitioner Tom Sokolowski of Wisdom Nutrition. Stress is such a huge factor in health and I am always telling my clients to take time off to rest, but sometimes life happens and there you are with a baby to look after in the night, or a loved one has become ill and needs your care and attention, or your neighbours are making noise at night and keeping you awake, and you still need to get on and do your work, pay the bills and look after the children. So what do you do in times of stress? Do you use stimulants like caffeine to pick you up during the day and alcohol to wind you down for bed? What if I told you there was a supplement that can improve your mental focus during the day, whilst keeping your stress levels down, boosting your mood and helping you to sleep at night? And what if I told you this low-cost supplement actually protects your brain in the long-term rather than shrinking your brain as alcohol does? And what if this supplement also had health benefits for your heart, gut, liver and immune system and was non-addictive? For the fully referenced written version see For more videos and written posts see

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