Top 10 tips and hacks to lose weight fast. Based on science and research.

In this video I will share top 10 tips or hacks that can help you lose weight in a healthy way. These weight loss tips are backed by science and research. These tips will help you to lose weight and also help you to maintain the weight loss and never gain it back again.
Weight loss tip No. 1 Do not follow any crash diet:
Following crash diet will impact your metabolic health adversely. Even though these diets can help in weight loss for short term, these diets can severely affect long-term weight management. These diets can also result in greater muscle loss and also cause nutritional deficiencies. By saying crash diets, i mean keto, paleo Atkins and all trending diets including intermittent fasting. The best diet to follow in weight loss is the diet that you can follow through out your life and that is a balanced diet. Follow my plate method to have a balanced diet and to know about it refer my video on how to eat a balanced diet.
Weight loss tip No: 1 follow Food sequencing. That is the order in which you eat your food matters. That is eat your veggies first then protein and then finally carbs. When you eat fibre and protein first, carb digestion is delayed and hence glucose spike is less after a meal and also it keeps you full for a longer time and hence can reduce calorie intake. This proved by research
No 2 Refrigerate starchy foods:
Refrigerating starchy foods after cooking for 24 hours and reheating them before consumption increases the amount of resistant starch in them. Our body cannot digest resistant starch and hence the food can be lower in calories and also it can act as food for good gut bacteria. But how much increase can you expect by refrigerating? Let’s take the scenario of cooked white rice. In one research it was found that 100 gm of freshly cooked rice had 0.6gm of resistant starch, cooked white rice cooled for 10 hours at room temperature but not refrigerated had 1.30 gm of resistant starch and rice that is cooled in refrigerator for 24 hours at 4 degree Celsius had 1.6 gm of resistant starch. Refrigerating starchy foods before consumption can also reduce glucose spikes. A study was conducted in type 1 diabetes patients. They gave freshly cooked rice for one group and rice that was refrigerated for 24 hours and reheated to another group. They tested their blood glucose level after consumption of rice and they found that blood glucose levels were lower in group that ate refrigerated rice than the group that ate fresh rice. The average postprandial blood glucose of people who are freshly cooked rice was 11 mmol that is approximately 200 mg/dl while that of refrigerated rice was 9.9 mmol that is 180 mg/dl
So obviously refrigerating starchy foods and reheating before consumption is a good hack for weight loss. This hack can be used for all starchy foods like pasta, potato and other underground veggies, pulses and legumes and not just white rice.
No:3 Fiber: Eat lot of Fiber. Aim to consume at least 24 to 30 grams of fibre every day The only carbohydrate that do not cause sugar spike is Fiber. Our body cannot digest Fiber and hence we don’t get calories from Fiber we eat and also it acts as food for good gut bacteria. Having good gut health and good bacteria in our gut also promote weight loss. Remember growth of harmful bacteria in gut makes us crave for unhealthy foods and make us eat junk foods. Good bacteria in our gut protect us from harmful bacteria
No4: Protein: High protein diet helps in weight loss. Proteins have heigh satiety index and hence you can feel full with smaller portion when compared to carbs and fats. Also, TEF value that thermogenic effect of food is high for protein. This means we burn more calories to digest protein than carbs and fat. Aim to have at least l gram of protein per Kg of body weight. This means if your weight is 80 Kg you must consume at least 80 grams of protein every day.
No: 5 Prefer Complex carbs over simple carbs Complex carbs that we get from legumes, pulses, millets and also tubers are great for weight loss than refined grains like white rice. Complex carbs are low in glycemic index and digestion of complex carbs takes time and hence will keep you full for longer time. Also, people think that to get complete protein they should be eating grains and pulses in the ration 3:1 but for weight loss taking lot of grains especially refined grains can be challenging. It’s difficult to be in calorie deficit if we eat lot of rice. Grains have very little amount of protein and adds more calories from carbs. If you can manage getting proteins from good protein sources like egg, meat, fish tofu, paneer etc ., then it’s not mandatory to include lot of grains in diet. So, use legumes, pulses, millets as carb sources and not refined grains like rice.
No: 6 Keep moving. Regular exercise helps in weight loss. But what people miss out thinking of is active life style.
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