5 Ways to Sleep Better That Don’t Involve Pills

America has a sleep issue. At least half of all Americans say they suffer from insomnia, and nearly 9 million are using prescription sleep medication.

But those sleeping pills that seem to work so well come with a laundry list of side effects and they mask the underlying issue for why you can’t sleep in the first place.

Research shows it’s not the number of hours of sleep you get that matters the most – it’s the quality of the hours you are getting.
High-quality, restorative sleep carries a number of benefits. It improves brain function, aids in muscle recovery, boosts longevity, balances your hormones, protects your heart, and fights fat.

Science-backed sleep hacks include figuring out your sleep chronotype, blocking out junk light, filling up on the right fats, using wearable sleep devices, changing your sleep position, meditating, and taking certain supplements, like Sleep Mode: https://bit.ly/2tVID94

Are you ready to take your sleep to the next level? Try the Bulletproof 30-Day Sleep Challenge. After the 30 days are up, you’ll feel happier, stronger, and more alert.

#sleep #bulletproof #insomnia

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