Real Talk w/ David Hornbrook and Kent Smith: “Sleep is NOT a 4-Letter Word”

Dr Kent Smith: Sleep is NOT a 4-Letter Word

Learn the fundamentals of sleep
Discover the characteristics that help in screening for sleep apnea
Become familiar with the testing methods for diagnosis
Learn about various treatment options

You’ve heard the phrase “I’ll sleep when I’m dead. Bon Jovi sang about it and they made a movie with the title. This feeling only serves to propagate the idea that sleep is a weakness, a vice, something to be ashamed of. We spend a third of our lives sleeping, but few of us pay any attention to the time period when we should be recovering, regenerating and reorganizing. We should be sleeping peacefully, breathing without restraint, and most importantly, feeding our systems with the amount of oxygen we need to sustain optimal health. You owe it to yourself and your patients to get the restorative sleep we all need.

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